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To build sustainable high performance a How do we assist clients
competent Middle Management is key to manage this system?
The lack of managerial core competencies fueled A manager has a clear purpose of re-introducing A language to talk about the organization’s
by outdated promotion strategies and amplified complexity into the organization. dynamic behavior/performance
by doubts on purpose, poses a serious threat to A manager is the custodian of organizational learning. Representations to facilitate collaboration and
the effectiveness of managers in many A manager is the custodian of purpose maps. joint action within the organization
organizations worldwide. A manager is responsible for maintaining system Value maps and dynamic purpose maps
In a great many enterprises people are promoted integrity at the requisite level. Performance management without targets/KPIs
to management on the basis of good performance Enterprises cannot achieve high performance without Culture transformation to value management
in their current functional job. a management team, competent as leaders, facilitators, Competency architecture
The common explanation is the lack of alternative strategists, and with a clear purpose. Dynamic measurement environments
ways of promotion or reward. This requires new thinking, in essence: Strategy Dynamics
The only way is 'up’ - meaning promotion to The organization must be managed as a whole, Management competency development
management, even though the competency priorities are possible but very costly. Competency-based remuneration models
requirements are fundamentally different. One cannot manage results, therefore, Skilled expertise throughout the organization to
Enterprises can no longer afford managers who management has to become an enabler and a wield these tools
see their job as supervising, delegating, getting the variety regulator.
work done, and fire-fighting. Managers will have to become competent as
The now so fashionable leadership development is guardians of complexity, and systems 'The only truly sustainable
beneficial but misdirected and not adequate, as understanding as well as enablers for people to competitive advantage an
managers at all levels require not only leadership deal with adaptive change. enterprise has lies in its
competencies but the ability to not only facilitate the The traditional ‘rule’-managed culture has to give competency architecture'
development of their subordinates but to ensure their way to a ‘value’-managed one.
competencies and the adequacy of their process Static target/KPI measurement environments
structures. have to change into a dynamic environment of
They have to be able to think strategically and
measuring variables over time.
safeguard values and vision.
Management has to stop using fear as a motivator.