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Today's Performance Management System is Culture Transformation
tomorrow's white Elephant
Our innovative frameworks will assist you in managing the transition Value Managed vs Rule Managed
Yo common d int competitive There is an old saying that, 'If you don't manage your
but b T inflicts culture you'll get the one you deserve' (Which is rarely
enterprises: an employe the the one you desire, nor the one you believe you actually
and sub media frenzy, public have) And given the near universal acceptance of this
'Live values, understand by bailouts, and Congressional Hearings. The underlying saying in the organizational context, it is astonishing to
performance stakeholders and a set of issue is not really about corporate governance. It is not find that the management of culture in organizations is
develop ethical concepts these KPIs. about ‘tweaking’ performance models. actually quite ineffective. There is a strong disconnect
are basic building blocks for Management The issue is, that organizations wanting to continue to among management in understanding the implications
sustainable success' t measure be sustainable profitable into the future while fulfilling of an adverse culture. Organizations are systems (Old
a performance their social, and economic responsibilities, hat.) But if that is true, then the laws of system
by KPIs. will have to rethink, urgently and fundamentally, the dynamics are valid and applicable.
empl pay-for-performance underlying assumptions of performance. Behavior and performance in a system are determined
f installed, wh management 'Achievement of targets' is no longer a hallmark of by its structure. Culture is the outward representation of
right-sizing. success. Current wisdom and conventional thinking structure in a social system. The pitfalls and dangers in
In consequence, ente themselves about performance are dangerous to an organization's a culture transformation are legendary. Starting with
locked in talent, employees well-being. disconnected, generic vision statements over common-
parlance hallmarks to values written on little laminated
'With our assistance you will be cards and published on websites. Successful culture
transformation and the subsequent management takes
able to build a sustainable high
strong political will, commitment,
performance organization as we
patience, and substantial know-how.
understand change and change