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Forget conventional thinking if you want to

                  create a superior enterprise

                  We would like to introduce you to an unconventional concept

                   A new, unconventional, way of thinking is   A superior enterprise is an enterprise that reacts
                   essential for the future of most organizations.   quickly and flexibly to changing expectations
                   Over the last decade(s) most enterprises learned to   and requirements.
                   equate success with the achievement of targets and   It is above all an enterprise where the status quo

                   KPIs. This equation is no longer valid.     is challenged constantly and routinely, and
                   To achieve sustainable success in the future, it will   success is measured by the utter satisfaction and
                                     be far more important to be  respect of all performance stakeholders, not by

                                         able to understand and   target achievement.
          "We can't solve problems                 address the   In order to manage that change, you'll need
          by using the same kind of            expectations of   new competencies and a different mindset.
          thinking we used when we

          created them"                        all performance   You will need an experienced partner that can
                                              stakeholders and   not only show you the way to a superior
               (Albert Einstein)
                                       their fast-changing values   enterprise but also will keep you on track during

                                 Does your organization meet the   the journey.
                  expectations that society places upon it?    You could also use a partner who is not only
                  Can your enterprise build new competencies faster   familiar with these new concepts but actually
                  than market clock-speed and is therewith able to   developed many of these in-house.            'We instill in our clients' management

                  meet the future demands of your customers?   The TWC Consulting Group is such a partner.
                                                                                                                    the awareness that the solution to
                  Is your management able to act effectively and   We know where the problems in a highly
                                                                                                                      current problems requires new
                  efficiently in a constantly changing reality?   dynamic global economy are and we offer
                  Are your employees truly competent, motivated,   innovative solutions in frameworks that are         thinking, new competencies'

                  and engaged?                                 based on new thinking.                                       (TWC Consulting)
                  These are all questions an organization has to   So, arranging an informal discussion with us
                  address in order to be sustainable.          could be perceived as a very sound investment
                  A superior enterprise is a dynamic enterprise.  indeed!
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