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Strategic Planning Remuneration
The heart of an enterprise's strategic planning essentially static tools. It is already very difficult to Pay-for-Performance does neither create nor
environment must be game-changing innovation. manage a dynamic target environment with static improve performance nor does it help to attract or
Not just the innovation of products and services, management tools, so when it comes to Strategic retain 'High Performers'.
but the ability to systematically convert ideas and Planning the resulting ‘Lottery Environment’ We know that this statement is Heresy, but there
insights from all quarters into new offerings that becomes much less persuasive. Even for us at the you are.
alter the very context of the enterprise herself. TWC Consulting Group, it is impossible to predict There is a suspicious lack of empirical evidence that
Strategic Planning traditionally concentrates on the future, therefore we don't even try to and we the current obsession with establishing pay-for-
two areas of investigation and planning: work with our clients to follow suit. These clients performance strategies and incentive pay
Micro-Economic Analysis of competitive markets became incredibly successful because they used our environments actually results in anything but a
which has sought to explain profitability trusted advice to make their organizations so flexible singular short-lived spike of increased output. As
differences amongst firms, and Value-Chain and responsive that sustained high performance was for productivity, at least two dozen studies over the
Analysis which is looking for drivers of cost and and continues to be delivered no matter what the last three decades have conclusively shown that
value in order to find opportunities of adding future holds in stock. people who expect to receive a reward for
value or reduce costs to boost productivity. Both, We help our clients' minds to concentrate on completing a task or for doing that task successfully
value-chain analysis and statistical approaches to Planning tomorrow's performance by creating a simply do not perform as well as those who have a
understanding & enhancing profitability, are dynamic measurement and planning environment solid understanding of what they do, and to what
Enhancing the ability to increase understanding purpose, while fulfilling their own passions. The
of performance stakeholder value-maps and their surest way to destroy cooperation, and therefore
'Strategy must be dynamic - dynamics organizational excellence, is to force people to
it also must lead an Enabling the organization to build and sustain compete for rewards or recognition or to rank them
the requisite competency architecture against each other. Talk to us about giving you the
organization out of its
Improving the ability of the organization’s trusted advice to create a remuneration framework
competency and resource architectures to and organization culture that attracts the best and
introduce successful concepts at ever increasing aids retention of the talent you require to create a
speeds sustainable high performance organization.